Nice People To Meet Who Serve The People Of God
And Spread The Joy Of The Gospel, Thanks To You!

David G. AmicoDirector: Office of Lay Ministry & Parish Faith Formation
David Amico has been in catechetical ministry for almost 30 years as a catechist in parishes and Catholic schools, a parish director of religious education, and as a diocesan staff person since 1998. Currently he serves as the Director of the Office of Lay Ministry and Parish Faith Formation. He holds a Master’s in Education with a concentration in Religious Education from Boston College. David’s ministry covers a wide range of administrative and pastoral responsibilities – most of which relate to the formation of lay men and women for service and leadership in their parishes.

Joyce Solimini Associate Director: Office of Lay Ministry & Parish Faith Formation
Joyce Solimini has been in catechetical ministry for 40 years, first as a parish catechetical leader, then, since 1990 as an associate director for the Diocesan Catechetical Office. She holds a Masters Degree in Theology from St. Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry. She works mainly with parish catechetical leaders and/or parish teams in the areas of leadership formation, adult faith formation, and intergenerational faith formation. She also helps parishes who wish to enhance their formation for the Eucharist, Confirmation, infant baptism ministry and Christian Initiation (RCIA).

Mary FayAssociate Director: Marriage & Family Ministries
Mary Fay is the Associate Director for Diocesan Marriage and Family Ministries. For the past 13 years, she has worked here at the diocese in marriage and family ministry. Marriage ministries in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany include marriage formation and preparation programs, natural family planning resources, marriage enrichment resources and programing, as well as support for those with struggling marriages and healing for those whose marriage has ended. Family ministries programing includes parenting and communication workshops for all ages.

Sister Donna Irvine Chaplain: Glens Falls Hospital
Sr Donna Irvine SSND, became a Sister of the School Sisters of Notre Dame some 50 years ago. 34 years ago after extensive training and preparation she became a hospital chaplain first at Albany Medical Center, then St. Clare’s Hospital in Schenectady and for the last 15 years at Glens Falls Hospital, where she works today.
In carrying out her ministry, Sister Donna kindly cares for the spiritual needs of patients and their families who find themselves in challenging life situations. Sister Donna calls her work as a hospital chaplain “a sacred journey” that is guided day to day by the Holy Spirit.”