Teaching And Sharing The Catholic Faith With Others
Thanks to you, the Diocesan Appeal strengthens Faith Formation Programs for children and adults in our parishes.
Thomas Fowler – Director of Religious Education at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception
Tom Fowler grew up in Rensselaer where he graduated from St. John’s Academy. He went on to earn an undergraduate degree in mathematics from the University at Albany. In 2014 he received a Ph D in philosophy from the same institution.
He has taught courses in philosophy at both the University at Albany and the College of Saint Rose. He has also offered a number of programs at the Cathedral in Catholic social thought, Mysticism and 20th century Catholic philosophers.
As a member of the Cathedral community for 25+ years, Mr. Fowler responded to a call for faith formation and joined the staff as Director of Religious Education in 2011. In this position he, along with an extremely able group of catechists, is responsible for children and youth catechesis. In addition, adult programs include book study groups and lecture series, the most recent of which was on the 21st century Church.
The children/youth program is small, anywhere from 20 to 40 youngsters, depending on year. Though small, the program is inclusive; covering Kindergarten through high school. This includes sacramental preparation: First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation. While the emphasis is on learning our faith, it is not limited to the classroom. The young people are encouraged to carry that faith into action. For Mr. Fowler, the most satisfying aspect of his ministry lies “in seeing the youngsters play roles in the life of the Church through service to others and active participation in prayer and liturgies.”
If you would like to learn more about faith formation at the Cathedral, you are welcome to speak with Mr. Fowler. He can be reached either by phone or email:
518-463-4447, FFCICa@rcda.org.